23 May, 2018

Women Empowerment

Women have been the key focus of the program not because of our policy alone but also due to their flair and leadership and contributions in various ways. Alongside informal community group they have also begun to organize themselves in Common Interest Group (CIG) and undertake works like running mutual help groups, engaging in community development works and participating in various forums may it be for learning or presenting their grievances. We too have strived to direct various capacity building interventions to help them develop right perspectives and have skill building.


19 CIGs with 217 members collected 105700 rupees this year and could also extend financial support to 56800 rupees to needy members. 02 of CIG have also begun economic enterprise like processing of Millet and running a flour mill.


1611 Pregnant women and 1781 Lactating mothers were outreached by our front line workers and mobile health team with home visits, nutritional counseling and other helps.


10 Mothers trainings were held to help tribal mothers have more positive health seeking behavior and diversify their diets with food items available in the neighborhood. 79 community level meetings too were conducted.


Women participation in Cloth for Work initiative wherein they contribute voluntary labor to develop micro land and water resources in the neighborhood has been very encouraging. This year 43 works related to land amend and 5 works related to water conservation were undertaken. It included: land bunding, well deepening and construction of sand bag check dams.


A process is underway to help and strengthen growing number of adolescent tribal girls prone to distress Migration. The process includes profiling migration prone adolescent girls and helping them with training, orientations and provision of identity cards. This year 444 adolescent girls could be listed.


Women showed great enthusiasm and lead at engaging in neighborhood land and water resources voluntarily. It included well deepening, land bunding, constructing sand bag check-dams and plantations. These works have received wider appreciations and women initiatives at village Langoti to further deepen their well through own means has yet again received applause all around.


The Women participation was very encouraging in discussing and resolving the menstrual hygiene issue. Women and adolescent girls have been articulate and shared various problems and taboos and have showed keenness at adopting proper sanitary napkins provided by GOONJ. Currently more than 400 women and girls have stories to tell about what difference these pads have made their lives.